A good friend recently down-sized her Florida home and
offered me first pick from a stack of books headed to the library. Passing over
exotic travel books and thick novels, I selected two very different paperbacks;
Holidays on Ice by David Sedaris and
Chris Rose’s 1 dead in attic. Only later
when I began reading did I discover a connection between the two books.
David Sedaris has made a career of making us laugh at the
absurdities of life and Holidays on Ice is
no exception. This is a collection of six of Sedaris’s most profound stories
about Christmas. After reading “Season’s Greetings to Our Friends and Family!!!,”
I’ll never be able to read another holiday newsletter with a straight face.
There is nothing funny about 1 dead in attic, journalist Chris
Rose’s firsthand account of the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans.
Rose’s collection of essays, wonderfully complemented by Charlie Varley's photographs, offers a stark and gut-wrenching look at life in The Big Easy
post-Katrina. It’s also a reminder of the failure of governmental bureaucracy that
preceded and set the stage for the Hurricane.
The common thread that these two books share is the often irrational
and ridiculous nature of life. Whether we laugh at the absurdity or cry, what
results is a kind of catharsis. And through this collective release, we are
able to go on with our own lives.
photo- 1 dead in attic, Charlie Varley, c. all rights reserved
photo- 1 dead in attic, Charlie Varley, c. all rights reserved